Wednesday, July 13, 2011


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. –Ecclesiastes 3:1

As I move through this thing called life, I realize that God blesses me with new things that build upon one another. I have developed new passions that drive me to understand in a more profound way why it is that God made me the way that He has chosen. I do know that the reason for my life is to give Him all honor and glory. How I do that though is what gives me hope in seeing His glory.

I have been reminded of how I have grown and changed through the years. Recently, I have been reminded of a season of my life from my youth. Although I did not follow God during that season, I am able to look back at that time and realize that God was indeed using me during that time for a reason and a purpose. Some of my experiences from that season of my life are what motivate me today to be a true difference maker for the body of Christ. I realize that even though I had turned my back upon my Savior during that season, He still loved me and only desired that I turn to Him.

God has put different people in my life at different seasons for a reason. Those relationships are important to me and more important to God. I must strive to be a catalyst in any and all relationships to point someone towards our creator as He desires that all come to know Him.

As I look at where I stand today in this season, there is no way that I would have chosen the life that I now live several season back but I know that is alright. What is important is that I use my lessons from my various seasons to grow and learn and to be that man that I have been called to become.