Tuesday, August 31, 2010


One of those things that God blesses each of us with is our time. Time is the one thing that we receive that once it is gone, it is gone forever.

I began to take the command of the Great Commission seriously several years back. The one word that has always stuck with me in Christ’s command is the word “GO”. Recently, I returned from using some of the time that I have blessed with from a short term mission trip to Haiti. The time that I spent in Haiti was my offering of the blessing that He has extended to me and using His blessing to extend to others for His Kingdom.

In my life, I have seen poverty in other countries as well as in this country. However, it is hard for me to put into words the level of poverty that I witnessed first hand while in Haiti. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world and is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. The Haitian people live a hand to mouth existence in that they simply scratch out a life each day. Whatever food they get for the day is consumed that day. Personal financial resources are scarce and financial wealth is virtually non existent. With that fact, you would think that the extreme poverty I witnessed would breed extreme despair but that is what I did not see. I did not see a poverty of the soul in the Haitian people. It has been said that the eyes are the windows to ones soul. The eyes of the Haitian people that I came in contact with were filled with a hope and joy that was infectious. The Haitian people are incredibly gracious and hospitable.

The true joy of the Haitian people was evident to me the Sunday morning I was able to worship in the Grand Guave Church. The service was done in Creole (Creole is the native language of Haiti. It is very similar to French.). I was able to understand the message that was being stated. The service lasted 3 ½ hours. The air temperature was at least 95 degrees and the humidity easily pushed the heat index to 110. As I sat there watching this celebration, I wondered to myself how many in the states would be willing to sit through a service of this length let alone sit through it with the heat and humidity?

To me, how this nation become so impoverished is irrelevant. What is relevant to me is the fact that the nation of Haiti in close proximity to our nation which is the most blessed nation in the world.

I think we can agree that God has blessed those of us who reside in the country greatly. I don’t say that to shame you but rather ask how are you using those blessings you have received to bless other?

Monday, August 16, 2010


As I find myself moving upon the path of life, I find God speaking to me in new ways. I find joy in the receipt of His revelation for my life so that I may truly live my life according to His good and perfect will. I find myself wanting to move deeper into trying to leave His fingerprint of redemption through my actions to display my true faith in His being.

I have often wanted to just act impulsively for His name. On July 30th, I was asked to go to Haiti leaving on August 19th. I did not have the finances to cover this trip yet I just impulsively stated I would go. I found this as an opportunity to leave His fingerprint. I also have a strong passion for Missions work as that is the one command that Christ left his followers with prior to ascending to Heaven. "Go therefore and make disciples.."

I also have a strong passion to work with early teenaged boys' and girls'. I believe this passion comes from my early teen years where I made some very bad life choices and I feel an urge to help this age group to not make some of the same mistakes that I made during a very crucial time in my life.

As I prepare for this journey, I pray that God will continue to bring His revelation to my life in such a way that He will show me how to meld these 2 passions in such a way to effectively allow me to use my strengths for His glory. I am also praying that by His will, He will reveal in me a way that I am able to take these 2 passions and be able to provide an income to continue fully in this effort.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Last week, I awoke early one morning and sat outside facing to the east watching the sun rise for a new day. I was looking out over a small body of water which was covered with a fine vapor of mist. As I viewed this, I was reminded of James 4:14, “Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” As I sat and reflected on the glory of a new day and the fact that the vapor on top of the water would soon be gone as the morning sun rose in the sky, I knew that there can be no more wasted days.

I have been brought into this life for a reason and a purpose. God has gifted me in certain areas and to utilize these gifts is to exercise His true will in my life. At times, I feel as if I am kicking and screaming trying to find my way when I realize my greatest joy when I labor in the way that He has formed me. I say that my life is His yet as I sat that morning, I had to ask myself honestly have I truly given all who I am over to the Master?

My life could be called from me at anytime. I know that but like the Apostle Paul, I hold onto the faith that God has perfected me through Jesus Christ in order to do His will and His plan is for me to do that to the best of my ability. I know that living my life within His will allows me to scream Hallelujah. When my last Hallelujah is proclaimed, then I know it is time to go home and return to the Master.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Temple

Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” -John 2:19

The temple that was built by Solomon was built to exactness. Each of the stones that comprised the walls were cut in quarries that were approximately 2 miles away. As each stone was placed, it fit perfectly in its place. It is estimated that the gold that was used inside the temple would have been valued at over $30,000,000,000 by the price of gold in 2010. The ornate nature of the temple displayed the true glory of God as this was the place where God resided on earth. The story in the Old Testament of God entering into the temple is one of a pillar of fire coming down as God took up residence in the temple built for His glory.

We know that the temple that Christ spoke of was His body. God has blessed everyone who walks in this life with their own temple. That which we put into our temple shows the level of respect that we have for the creation of God that we are. When we allow garbage to enter through what we put into our mouths, in our minds or through our eyes is our own testimony of what we believe in the promises of God. I certainly do not profess to be perfect as I fail often times with just what I allow into my temple.

In Acts 2, we learn that on the first Pentecost after the crucifixion of Christ fire appeared from heaven and came upon the apostles who were praising God in the temple courts. As the fire rested upon them, each was filled with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God that had resided in the temple had taken up new residence in each of the believers of Christ. That Spirit is very much alive today as God still has allowed His Holy Spirit into our individual temples.

The temple is indeed being rebuilt, one believer at a time. Make this the day that you give true glory to God as you are indeed a temple of the Great I Am.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A cool drink of water for the parched

As I have previously stated, one of my favorite stories of the Bible is the story of David. I have always enjoyed the study of the great leaders of history and I do not grow weary in studying the lessons to be learned of David's Godly example of leadership. Even though David lived 3,000 years ago, the lessons of leadership gleaned from the study of David are every bit as relevant in our time. We have all heard the refrain from many in this day and age who profess that the classic writings of our history are outdated. The 2 greatest writings that established this country, the Bible and the US Constitution, are the 2 writings most under attack by those who profess to be more enlightened then us common folk who understand the importance of building our lives upon a firm foundation.

We know David as a king and as a leader of the nation of Israel that was willing to take a stand in the name of God. In order to become the king, David had to surround himself with those who were ready and willing to follow his lead. The story of David leads us through his time of struggles and his times in which he stood victorious.

Through his leadership, David was able to build an effective force that took their stand and defended what they knew to be true. The force that David built had some of the greatest victories in the Old Testament historical account. We may think of this Army that fought as being built with the best of the best that Israel had to offer. Let’s look at who David originally had to build this Army.

1 Samuel 22:1-2. We learn hear that David began to build those around him; they were far from the best of the best. Those that gravitated towards David brought with them their baggage. David accepted those who came and accepted them just as they were. They sought to follow a man who in the eyes of the ruling authorities was considered an outlaw. David found himself on the run from an oppressive ruler.

The metaphorical imagery of soldiers and an Army are intertwined in Paul’s writings. I am certain that the reasons for this are the early Christian’s daily had to come face to face with the Roman Army and the Old Testament accounts of Israel and the battles they had to face

*True leadership: You build your team with what you have. You develop a vision and direction you want to move your team and understand that God has placed these people in your life for a reason.

David was able to build his Army into an effective force in the name of God. He recognized who gave him his authority to lead. We know David as a man who was after the heart of God. David laid a firm foundation for his leadership and he was able to win the hearts of those who chose to follow him.

*True leadership: A true leader has followers of choice who follow as they are inspired by their vision and are willing to go where the leader takes them.

2 Samuel 23:8-17. We hear of the story of David’s Mighty Men is also paralleled in 1Chronicles 11. In total, 53 warriors were recognized as David’s Mighty Men. On a side note, one of my most awe inspiring days of my life was the day that I spent at Normandy American Cemetery. As you walk the grounds of the cemetery, there are 9,387crosses and stars of David that are the headstones for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and an addition 1,557 names inscribed on walls as their remains were never recovered. There are also 9 headstones whose headstones are inscribed that they received the Medal of Honor for their valor displayed in battle. I believe that the 53 mighty men displayed this same type of valor when they stood in battle.

Of the 53 mighty men, there were 3 whose exploits set them apart. These 3 men were skilled in the warfare of their day. They displayed the hearts of true warriors. The heart of a true warrior fully knows and understands his mission and the battle that lies ahead. A true warrior prepares himself to fulfill their mission regardless of what the consequences may bring.

Shammah took his stand in the face of the enemy while those around him fled. How often do we in the American Church take our stand in the face of the enemy that seeks to destroy our foundation? Christ in Revelation 3:15-16 calls out the “lukewarm church” and claims that He will “spit” it out.
Eleazar took his stand and fought the Philistines till his hand froze to the sword. One of the things big a difference between man and animal is we have thumbs. Without his thumb, Eleazar’s hand would have been able to freeze to the sword. Back in this day, if you captured an enemy on the battlefield and wanted to make him a slave, you would have to remove his big toes so he could not run and you would have to remove his thumbs so that he could never again grasp a sword.

Ephesians 6:17. I contend that if we are to not become that lukewarm Christian, we must cling so hard to the word of God that our hand is frozen upon it. Satan wants nothing more then to remove our thumbs. He knows that as long as we don’t cling hard to what we read, we will never take our stand.

David had a desire for the water from well of Bethlehem. He longed for this water the water from this well was viewed as “Living Water”. To a Jew, the idea of living water means that this water is what has come from God. Rain, runoff of rain or any water that was active was viewed as living water. When one entered the temple, they were to cleanse themselves with “living water”. They would wash their head, their heart, their hands and their feet to show that in their head was the thought of God, their heart was filled with God and their hands and feet were being prepared to do the work of God.

David was humbled by the act of these 3 mighty men. These men were ready and prepared to risk both life and limb to serve their king. David realized that he was not worthy to drink of this water and he poured it out as a sacrifice before God.

Romans 12:1. Each of us has been called to be that living sacrifice.

As David poured this living water out before God, he humbled himself for the sacrifice that his men had made.

*True leadership: A true Godly leader will exercise humility and be willing to sacrifice their personal well being for those they have been entrusted to lead.

The Jews celebrated living water during the Festival of the Booths. This festival celebrated the Israelites wandering in the desert after leaving their bondage of Egypt. In Leviticus 23, the Israelites are told to wave palm branches during the sacrifice ceremony as part of a wave offering. During this week long festival, each day involved a water sacrifice. The festival occurred at a time of the year just before the rain was to come. The people during the water sacrifice ceremony would wave palm branches and cry out “Hosanna” or “God save us.” God save us from disease or save us from our imperfections but also God save us by bringing us living water. The sound made by waving palm branches was similar to that of rain. The last day of the Festival of the Booths, the water sacrifice was known as the Great Hosanna.

John 7:37-38. On the final day of the Festival of the Booths of this year, Jesus stood in the temple courts and made the proclamation that “I am living water” during this ceremony. Now, consider that you were a Jew 2,000 years ago. You followed the ways of Jew as you entered the temple using the living water to cleanse you head, your heart, your hands and your feet. You saw Jesus make this profession and began to follow Him. You saw Him crucified and realized that the wounds that He received were to His head, His heart, His hands and His feet. You realize that Jesus was indeed that living water. We too can become that living water. Christ wants nothing more then for us to be a flowing river of cool and refreshing water to those who are parched. Have we prepared ourselves in all seasons to be that cool refreshing drink of living water to all? Do our actions and our words reflect the living water of God that flows from the river of life that Christ has called each of His followers to be? Christ wants us to be His leaders and bring those who thirst for His spirit into His presence.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Living Water

David had a craving and said, “Oh, that someone would give me water to drink from the well of Bethlehem which is by the gate!” So the three mighty men broke through the camp of the Philistines, and drew water from the well of Bethlehem which was by the gate, and took it and brought it to David. Nevertheless, he would not drink it, but poured it out to the LORD. – 2 Samuel 23:15-16

I find the story of David one that should be read and understood by all who seek to claim the mantle of true Godly leadership. David is described as a man who was after God’s own heart and he sought to serve the Great I Am with all of his heart and all of his soul. His leadership so endeared many to follow David and to serve David with all of their heart and all of their soul.

The three mighty men who went out to get their leader some water are what I like to consider what a true man is all about. A true man is a warrior and will stand for his held beliefs regardless of what confronts him. These men risked life and limb to retrieve for their leader some water. To David, the water from the well of Bethlehem represented “living water”, that which comes from God.

In the Book of John, Christ declares, “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give them shall never thirst; but the water that I will give them will become in them a well of water springing up to eternal life.” – John 4:14. The promise from Christ is that He indeed is the same living water that David understood that was being drawn from the well in Bethlehem by his might men.

David fully understood the significance the service that his mighty men had just performed. In his humility, he was unable to drink the water. David knew that he was nothing more then a man yet those he was given to lead viewed him much more then just a man.

Sadly, we live in a time and age where the true leaders of men are few. We confuse the idea of the cult of personality with that of leadership. There exist too many examples of those who use this cult of personality for nothing more then their personal gain. This once great nation has allowed itself to be lead down the road of the cult of personality by the charlatans’ of perverse power. This nation has allowed our heritage and our history to be recast in different ways and in some instances to be completely erased. I find myself each day more and more concerned by the lack of leadership. I find it more and more distressing that too many in the offices of power are only interested in doing what they can to hold onto power rather then allow that they would be humbled before God.

The time has come for sides to be taken. Are those who claim the name of Jesus Christ prepared to take their stand regardless of what confronts them? The promises of Jesus Christ never guaranteed that to follow Him would be easy, rather the opposite is true. All who claim the name of Christ are called to be leaders. David provides the example of what it means to be a humble Godly leader.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Where is my pillar?

“The LORD was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night.” Exodus 13:21

I find myself crying more and more aloud to the LORD wondering how much longer I am to be patient to hear His true word spoken deeply into my heart. I daily find myself wondering just what it is that I am doing to create a separation that makes it hard for me to know and truly understand just what His plan is for me.

The LORD had Moses take the Israelites deep into the desert as they followed the pillar of fire that was placed before them by the Great I Am. The LORD had released the Israelites from the bondage they endured at the hands of the Egyptians. Egypt was bondage, the desert was freedom.

Many began to grumble and complain as they went deeper and deeper into the desert and some openly proclaimed that it would be easier to return to the bondage of Egypt rather then the freedom of the desert. The further they went into the desert, the greater the miracles that the LORD displayed became. I often times wonder through my impatience would I be one of the Israelites who while witnessing the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea and walking to the other side be the one who complained about the mud that he was being forced to walk through?

The LORD has placed that pillar in my path and I must spend each of my waking moments to seek and search it out. I must follow this pillar wherever it shall take me. As much as I want to know the plan the LORD has for my life right now, I know that when I exercise true patience that which He does for me will blow me away.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Are you a fisherman or a hunter?

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” -Matthew 4:19

Christ promises us that we will become fishers of men when we devote our life to Him and walk upon the path that He has prepared. To walk upon that path, we must first begin to understand the message that Christ was bringing and continues to bring.

I see too many of my fellow Christian brethren who treat their witness in Christ as that of being a hunter rather then a fisherman. A hunter tracks his prey. A skilled hunter needs to practice the art of stealth and spring upon that which is being hunted in order to bring down his prey. That which is hunted when it is aware that it is being hunted, will attempt to flee in terror.

This type of witness seeks to destroy rather then to show a new way. This type of witness goes against the way of Christ. No where in scripture am I able to find a point in time in which Christ sought to destroy another’s faith. Rather, He showed a new way and an inviting way that the glory of God could be seen by all.

A fisherman tries to lure his catch. He tries this by putting something in the path that is attractive and that the fish will desire. Like a hunter, a fisherman needs to practice the art of patience. When the time is right, the fish will bite. The same is true of our witness of Christ. We must practice the art of patience. When the time is right, the right question will be asked and this provides the opportunity for an effective witness.

These past several months, I have been blessed with the opportunity to display the love of Christ to a people group that many in this American culture have rejected. They are viewed as different as they continue to hold onto their culture and customs from their land which they were forced from due to the atrocities of civil war. This people group practice a faith very different from my Christian faith. They all have been raised in the culture of Islam. One thing that I have come to recognize is that they too have that same heart to understand God in a deeper and more meaningful way. As I find myself moving deeper into these lives, I have had more opportunities to openly share my faith in Jesus Christ and I thank God every time that I am able to proclaim His name in their presence. I know that the only effective way that I can be a true witness in the name of Jesus Christ to my new friends is to exercise those principles of being a fisherman in their presence. I always need to exercise those acts of a true fisherman shown by my savior Jesus Christ.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Go Time

Jesus came up and spoke to them saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, event to the end of the age.” -Matthew 28:18-20

The Great Commission is the command of Christ to His followers that embodies the faith of those who claim the name His name. I find no ambiguity in what Christ has called us to do in His name.

The first word in His command is simple yet too many of us fail to put that word into action. He tells us to “Go”. We know the calling is to “Go” but we often times ignore it and place those “churchy” things in its place. We profess that we have to pray over it or we have to study God’s word to find our purpose. I am not here to disparage prayer and fervent study of God’s Holy Word; however, I have found some who are more then content spending their time in prayer and study and have in effect made those “churchy” things their idol rather then having a true spiritual metamorphosis and living theirs lives for the being of Christ.

I enjoy sports and what I enjoy most is the act of competition. As I have watched some of the great sports teams of the past, I have noticed that they have their Go Time. That is the time when they take all of their practice and move it out into the field of competition in an effort to explore where they are in relation to their competition. Having personally participated in team sports, I relished that Go Time. I recognized that the practice that a team must endure leading up to that time is necessary to make them successful upon the field of competition. We would never want to invest our time in watching a championship game in which both teams gave it all they had in order to get to the point where they are at for the chance to proclaim themselves champion. A truly successful athlete or team would never think of going into competition unprepared and is willing to pay the price in order to set themselves apart from their competition.

Why then is it that too many who claim the name of Jesus Christ fail to have that same fervor? The mission field that Christ has called each of His followers into is equally competitive. We are going against the principalities of this world who also claim to have the answer. As followers of Christ, we have to understand that anything that fails to include God will always miss the mark and fall short. It is His name that we must take our stand and be prepared to give that answer for our faith. If we choose to simply sit on the sidelines, we will never be able to grasp the ultimate championship prize.

Make this day your Go Time and get into the game and be that champion that you were indeed called to become.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


“Brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” –Philippians 4:8

I spent the better part of my afternoon this day clearing the flower beds around my house. As I surveyed the work ahead of me, I wondered to myself why were dandelions and thistle ever created. I despise these two weeds with a passion I have yet to find the perfect way to rid my flower beds of these two nuisances. Both of these weeds have incredibly deep roots and it takes great effort to fully extract them. As I continued to pull these weeds and curse their very existence, I began to see a lesson in my labor.

Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, spells it out clearly. It is the desire of God that our thought life is to be that which would glorify God. That which we allow our eyes to gaze upon must be that which would glorify God. That which we do with our hands and feet must be that which would glorify God. However, we often times lead our lives in such a way that we allow the garbage of this world into our life. God has provided us with clear boundary markers but we think that we can move those boundary markers with no consequence. When we continue to allow those markers to be moved, we are only allowing ourselves to move closer to that area which God knows is will destroy. We as a people have allowed ourselves buy into the lie of this world that it really does not matter.

Finally, we wake up one day and begin to realize the mess that we have made of our lives by not being diligent in our walk with Christ. We did not get lost in our journey in an instant but rather we kept being enticed by the broad path that took us in many different directions rather then the straight and narrow path that Christ has called us to tread upon.

If I had spent diligent time in my flower beds, those weeds would not have taken root. If we all spend diligent time in making certain that our journey is upon the straight and narrow path, our faith will take deep root and will produce great fruit.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Stand Fast

“Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.” –Psalm 46:10

To me, this is perhaps the most powerful verse in the Bible. We spend so much of our time being busy in the ways of the world that we forget the need to slow down and listen to that still voice that is calling to us. I have found a place near my home that I like to call my God Spot. It is at a local park that sits atop a ravine. I just cherish the time that I spend at that spot taking in the beauty of God’s creation. Yesterday, God gave me a true display of His creation that spoke to me.

Near this spot is a bald eagles nest. I got as close as I was able to this nest and just spent some time observing. Perched on the edge of the nest was the female eagle tending her young hatchlings and the male was above the nest at the top of the tree line keeping watch. As I observed this, another eagle approached from the south and began to circle the nest. The male responded and flew towards this third eagle and began to protect his nest. A small skirmish between the two ensued with the 3rd eagle finally being chased away. The 3rd eagle return twice more with these small skirmishes continuing until it finally left for good.

The message was clear to me. As a man, I am called to stand guard and hold fast to the truth of the Word of God. God has blessed me with a lovely wife and wonderful children. I am to stand guard for those things that are not of God that want to circle my home looking for the opportune time to infiltrate. I must always be prepared to keep watch and when I see those things, I must jump into action and do everything within my power to chase them off as many times as I need in order to protect that which God has chosen to bless me with.

We truly live in a time in which things are happening at a rapid pace. Now, more then ever, is the time to stand fast and not allow that which is not of God to be that which I will follow.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Our Leaders

“Obey your leaders’ and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be no advantage to you.” –Hebrews 13:17

My lovely wife and I have the blessing and opportunity to lead a group of middle school aged children in trying to understand and apply the Word of God to their respective lives. Yesterday, the lesson that was presented centered on loyalty. As a warm up exercise prior to digging into the lesson, several sheets of paper were attached to the walls around the room. Each sheet of paper had a name of something on it and each student was asked to place marks upon each sheet to reflect their level of loyalty to the given title. They were allowed to put from 0 to 3 marks on each paper to show their given loyalty. Some of the titles on the sheets were Parents’, School, Friends’, Sport Teams’, etc. One of the sheets was title the President.

The exercise took a few minutes as the students decided upon their given loyalty to each topic. Also added to the time was the overall distraction of asking a group of middle school aged boys and girls to do something that required some thought and their interest to goof around was on full display. Once they were done, all were seated and we reviewed the marks that were made.

The sheet marked the President was marked in such a way to reflect a negative attitude many of these students had towards the leader of this nation. To me, I used this as a perfect teaching example.

Each week, these students are told of the importance of claiming the name of Jesus Christ in your life. Each week, these students are shown the importance of what it means to sell out ones life to the being of Jesus Christ. I tried to impress upon them that although our true loyalty is to Christ, we are called as followers of Christ to lift our leaders up in prayer. I stressed that in now way are we called to agree with our leaders but rather we are indeed called to lift our leaders in a prayerful way and there is a difference between agreement and prayer.

I too, like what certainly appears to be the families of these students, share a deep concern for the direction that this nation is moving and I find myself disagreeing more and more with the direction that I see our elected leaders moving this nation. However, as I proclaim the name of Christ, I in no way will allow my walk with Him to be diminished by what I feel is an over reaching government. Jesus Christ came as a new way to show true peace. The best that I can do is to live that example of peace in all my actions while always standing firm in the Word of God.

Just like the Israelites, God has given this nation the government it deserves. The Israelites were delivered into the Promised Land yet that was not enough for them. They had a desire to be ruled by kings and God granted their request and many of their kings led the nation astray. This great nation was founded upon the Judeo Christian ideals of our founding fathers, yet we as a people have failed to understand our proper history and have allowed it to be perverted and rewritten by those whose only objective is power and control. Perhaps the time with which we now find ourselves is our time to wander in the desert. One of the reasons that God allowed the Israelites to wander for 40 years was that was the length of time that it took to raise an entirely new generation. Maybe this time where we are now at will require that type of wandering before we are able to return to our preordained destiny.

Regardless, we of faith must submit ourselves to the governing authorities. If we are unable to do that, how can we truly submit our lives to He who provides all?

“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” –Romans 13:1

Thursday, April 1, 2010


During my college days, one of the classes that I took was a Political Theory class. In writing my term paper for that class, I used Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” and George Orwell’s “1984” to support my idea of the dangers of government run amok. Both authors paint a very dark and bleak picture of what could be when the people turn over all their rights and liberties to that which is made from man. Both Huxley and Orwell attempt to display just what life would be when men allow their God given rights and liberties to be subjugated to an all controlling government that is more concerned about the rights of the collective over the rights of men.

As far fetched as some of idea’s displayed in both of these tomes as I read them in the mid 1980’s, one thing is certain as I watch the events of the present day unfold, we are much closer to both of these novels being reality. The technology of “Big Brother” exists as described by Orwell and we certainly are a society of zombies walking around with the latest and greatest pharmaceuticals’ that divorce us from true reality just those described by Huxley who relied upon their “Soma” to make it.

I have never been interested in the type of theology that fully focuses upon the Book of Revelation. However, it cannot be argued that each day we are closed to the end of times described by John. It has struck me that one of the descriptors of the end times will be a time of super knowledge. 100 years ago, if you were to go to the store, chances were that you jumped upon your horse. The horse was the primary mode of transportation 100 years ago and has been the primary mode of transportation since before the time that Christ walked the earth. Today, transportation takes us to places that even 40 years ago were unimaginable. We are able to communicate with others on the other side of the world in a matter of split seconds.

In the Book of Revelation, Christ declares, “Behold, I am coming soon.” He is always faithful and fulfill this promise in His time. The question that I have to ask myself is just what am I doing each day in bringing someone closed to the Kingdom? Is that not what I will be judged upon? Am I striving each day to be a man of peace and to not allow the spirit of the anti-Christ to take hold?

As I prepare my heart and mind for the most meaningful day for a Christian, Resurrection Sunday, I have to ask am I living a life worthy of being called a child of the Great I Am.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Duty and Honor

September 19, 2003, Hurricane Isabel bore down upon Fort Myer located in Arlington. Fort Myer is the home the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) conducts memorial affairs to honor our fallen comrades and ceremonies and special events to represent the Army. If you visit the Arlington National Cemetery, you will have the honor to watch these soldiers in action as they guard the Tomb of the Unknowns.

The Regimental Commander sent word to the nighttime Sentry Detail to secure the post and seek shelter from the high winds in order to ensure their personal safety. Those soldiers chose to disobey this order. They stood their post in the face of the storm. That evening, the winds from Isabel were strong enough to flip vehicles and turned debris into projectiles. One soldier was quoted as saying, “I’ve got buddies getting shot in Iraq who would kick my butt if word got to them that we let them down. I’m sure as hell have no intention of spending my Army career being known as the idiot who couldn’t stand a little light breeze and shirked his duty.”

1 Peter 2:9 declares that those who follow Christ “are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” I do not take lightly the calling that has been placed upon the followers of Christ that we are indeed a priesthood of believers. In ancient Israel, the temple priests were charged to ensure that the word of God stood as the primary guidepost for the people. The priests were in a sense the standard bearers for all that God asked of His people.

In my short time in this life, I have come to realize that storms are going to occur. I was able to witness first hand the destruction of a storm as I spent several weeks helping to clean up from the aftermath from Hurricane Katrina. I arrived in that area within 72 hours after the storm had run its course and it was very obvious that those things structures built upon a firm foundation were better able to withstand the wind and water then those things that were upon a less then firm foundation.

As I watch the current events of the world unfold, I find myself convinced more each day that there will soon be some extreme storms coming in this world. Now is the time for those who acknowledge the being of Jesus Christ in their life to stand firm in the face of the storm. As a follower of Christ, I take my calling into the priesthood as a duty and an honor. I know that someday soon, I will have to stand before the Great I Am and in no way do I want to be the idiot who couldn’t stand a light breeze and shirked my duty. Regardless of what storms the world has ahead, I will stand my post firmly and resolutely.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A True Mans' Man

“Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1

We all need heroes in our lives. We all need to have someone to look to who has come before us and run their race in such a way to mark themselves in such a way that they have grounded themselves in a core set of beliefs. Sadly, many misunderstand the need for a hero in their life and rather practice hero worship which will always disappoint as man is not perfect.

My favorite hero from history is Richard Winters. His exploits were chronicled by Stephen Ambrose in “Band of Brothers” and were later put on film in a mini series of the same name. As I read Ambrose’s tome and the subsequent memoirs that were published by Winters himself, I was amazed at the courage and strength displayed by this man. His actions during WWII can only be described as a man who understood the times and knew what he must do. Winters thrust himself into the situation and became part of the best among the best as he led Easy Company who were part of the Allies march to liberate Europe. To me, Richard Winters epitomizes what it means to be a “Mans’ Man.”

Each generation will have their time and the true men of that generation will need to take their stand by understanding the times in which they live. The greatest example that any generation can take is to understand those who came before them and to build upon the lessons that were learned by the witnesses to times in the past. The “great cloud of witnesses” described in Hebrews were those who faced great strife but were able to muster strength and courage through their faith and create their individual testimony by how they reacted to understanding their time.

As each of us moves forward in our respective walks, never forget those who came before you. Never allow their sacrifice and their courage to go to waste. Build your faith upon that which you have been shown.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Sword

“Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:13, 17

In days of old, when a conquering Army would capture an opposing soldier and decided to make that soldier a slave, his thumbs would be removed. The reason for removing a prisoner of war thumbs is that he would never again be able to grasp a sword is such a way that he could use it as a weapon. When this former warrior was no longer able to utilize his training, he had to succumb to what ever desires and whims that his new master would place upon him.

In the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul describes the full armor of God. A soldier would only go into battle by placing his full armor allotment upon himself to make him the most effective warrior he could be in the full face of the onslaught of the ensuing battle. Without his armor, the warrior was at a great disadvantage. The greatest weapon a true warrior would utilize was his sword. Those warriors that were the greatest were those who were skilled in the use of their sword. Perhaps one of the most skilled with the sword was Eleazar who was described as one of King David’s Mighty Men. Eleazar “stood his ground and struck down the Phillistines till his hand grew tired and froze to the sword.” (2 Samuel 23:10)

Our enemy that we must take our stand against is Satan. Satan is very crafty and knows that the best and most efficient way to enslave us is to hinder us in our grasp of the word of God. He sends his minions around our culture in their efforts to remove the word of God from all aspects of our society. His minions truly believe that the way of man is what sets us free and they will stop at nothing to push this ideology.

“The word of God is living and active. Sharper then any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

As a man of faith, I have decided to take my stand. I will stand for the TRUTH of the word of God. Each day, I take my stand and firmly grasp the Sword of the Spirit.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Now Run!

As I was spending some time this morning running on a treadmill, I was doing so while listening to music. One of the songs that came on during the rotation on my iPod was "On The Run". It got me to thinking that in this world of multi-tasking in which we live, all too often many of us are on the run for something, not knowing for certain just what it is we are chasing. Sadly, many in this life run and run after what ever it is they are chasing only to one day wake up and realize that we have been running in the wrong direction.

I then reminded myself what the writer of Hebrews wrote: "Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." (12:1) I often find myself wondering just why I am living in this day and in this time. Just what is it that I am to accomplish? All that I know for certain is that I simply have to keep running. I just have to set aside the stuff of this life and run the race.

The author continues: "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at right hand of the throne of God." (12:2) I know that as long as I run with my eyes on Jesus, I am indeed running in the right direction. As those chosen to be part of the nation of Israel, we cannot allow ourselves to be bogged down by the stuff of this world. Sadly, some of us even allow ourselves to get bogged down by church stuff and we have missed the race. At some point, each of us needs to get off of the sidelines and RUN!!

Our reason for running should be twofold: 1) The day is coming when we will have to stand before the Great I Am and answer for our life and 2) I cannot allow the fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross so that I can continue in my sinful life.
