Thursday, April 29, 2010


“Brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” –Philippians 4:8

I spent the better part of my afternoon this day clearing the flower beds around my house. As I surveyed the work ahead of me, I wondered to myself why were dandelions and thistle ever created. I despise these two weeds with a passion I have yet to find the perfect way to rid my flower beds of these two nuisances. Both of these weeds have incredibly deep roots and it takes great effort to fully extract them. As I continued to pull these weeds and curse their very existence, I began to see a lesson in my labor.

Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, spells it out clearly. It is the desire of God that our thought life is to be that which would glorify God. That which we allow our eyes to gaze upon must be that which would glorify God. That which we do with our hands and feet must be that which would glorify God. However, we often times lead our lives in such a way that we allow the garbage of this world into our life. God has provided us with clear boundary markers but we think that we can move those boundary markers with no consequence. When we continue to allow those markers to be moved, we are only allowing ourselves to move closer to that area which God knows is will destroy. We as a people have allowed ourselves buy into the lie of this world that it really does not matter.

Finally, we wake up one day and begin to realize the mess that we have made of our lives by not being diligent in our walk with Christ. We did not get lost in our journey in an instant but rather we kept being enticed by the broad path that took us in many different directions rather then the straight and narrow path that Christ has called us to tread upon.

If I had spent diligent time in my flower beds, those weeds would not have taken root. If we all spend diligent time in making certain that our journey is upon the straight and narrow path, our faith will take deep root and will produce great fruit.

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